Maxim Cournoyer authored
When a .tarball-version file containing the version string is present, it is taken for granted that the source tarball is present. This allows to lift the requirement on a Git checkout to use the source tarball. This makes it easy and cheap to sync this tarball and accompanying .tarball-version file across different Jenkins agents to distribute the packaging jobs, bring the total build time from about 1 h 40 to 40 minutes. * Makefile (TARBALL_VERSION): New variable. When defined, do not do not invoke Git to derive the version string, simply use it. [RELEASE_TARBALL_FILENAME]: Do not compute prerequisites when TARBALL_VERSION is defined; assume the tarball is present. * .gitignore: Ignore .tarball-version. * Jenkinsfile: (Generate release tarball): Generate a .tarball-version file, and stash it along the release tarball. Explicit this should run on a 'guix' agent. (Build packages): Forward to any 'linux-builder' agent, clean the workspace, unstash and extract the tarball and build. GitLab: jami-packaging#98 Change-Id: I13088b75c9ccd5166662a84b7c5f8d4e8b7b65da
Maxim Cournoyer authoredWhen a .tarball-version file containing the version string is present, it is taken for granted that the source tarball is present. This allows to lift the requirement on a Git checkout to use the source tarball. This makes it easy and cheap to sync this tarball and accompanying .tarball-version file across different Jenkins agents to distribute the packaging jobs, bring the total build time from about 1 h 40 to 40 minutes. * Makefile (TARBALL_VERSION): New variable. When defined, do not do not invoke Git to derive the version string, simply use it. [RELEASE_TARBALL_FILENAME]: Do not compute prerequisites when TARBALL_VERSION is defined; assume the tarball is present. * .gitignore: Ignore .tarball-version. * Jenkinsfile: (Generate release tarball): Generate a .tarball-version file, and stash it along the release tarball. Explicit this should run on a 'guix' agent. (Build packages): Forward to any 'linux-builder' agent, clean the workspace, unstash and extract the tarball and build. GitLab: jami-packaging#98 Change-Id: I13088b75c9ccd5166662a84b7c5f8d4e8b7b65da
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Jenkinsfile 3.76 KiB
// Packaging validation for supported GNU/Linux systems.
// Note: To work on this script without having to push a commit each
// time, use the jenkins-cli command (see:
// https://wiki.savoirfairelinux.com/wiki/Jenkins.jami.net#Usage_CLI_de_Jenkins).
pipeline {
agent {
label 'guix'
parameters {
string(name: 'GERRIT_REFSPEC',
defaultValue: 'refs/heads/master',
description: 'The Gerrit refspec to fetch.')
booleanParam(name: 'BUILD_OWN_QT',
defaultValue: false,
description: 'Whether to build our own Qt packages.')
booleanParam(name: 'BUILD_ARM',
defaultValue: false,
description: 'Whether to build ARM packages.')
environment {
TARBALLS = '/opt/ring-contrib' // set the cache directory
options {
stages {
stage('Check configuration') {
when { not { expression { fileExists TARBALLS } } }
steps {
error "The ${TARBALLS} directory does not exist. \
See https://wiki.savoirfairelinux.com/wiki/Jenkins.jami.net#Configuration"
stage('Fetch submodules') {
steps {
echo 'Updating relevant submodules to their latest commit'
sh 'git submodule update --init --recursive --remote ' +
'daemon lrc client-gnome client-qt'
stage('Generate release tarball') {
steps {
// Note: sourcing .bashrc is necessary to setup the
// environment variables used by Guix.
sh '''#!/usr/bin/env bash
test -f $HOME/.bashrc && . $HOME/.bashrc
make portable-release-tarball .tarball-version
stash(includes: '*.tar.gz, .tarball-version',
name: 'release-tarball')
stage('Build packages') {
environment {
// The following password is used to register with the
// RHEL subscription-manager tool, required to build on RHEL.
PASS = credentials('developers-redhat-com')
steps {
script {
def targetsText = sh(script: 'make -s list-package-targets',
returnStdout: true)
def targets = targetsText.split('\n')
if (!params.BUILD_OWN_QT) {
targets = targets.findAll { !it.endsWith('_qt') }
if (!params.BUILD_ARM) {
targets = targets.findAll { !(it =~ /_(armhf|arm64)$/) }
def stages = [:]
targets.each { target ->
// Note: The stage calls are wrapped in closures, to
// delay their execution.
stages["${target}"] = {
stage("${target}") {
// Offload builds to different agents.
node('linux-builder') {
unstash 'release-tarball'
sh """
tar xf *.tar.gz --strip-components=1
make ${target}
parallel stages