Maxim Cournoyer authored
Previously, the only way to ensure a clean release tarball was to start from scratch, fetching all the contrib sources from the network (> 1 GiB). This change leverages the new 'list-tarballs' targets of the contrib build system to allow reusing the relevant tarballs from the cache when available, which translates to faster builds. It also constructs the pristine source release archive via git-archive, which guards against including unwanted files. Since only the required tarballs are included in the source archive, its size is reduced from 1.4 GiB to 72 MiB. GitLab: jami-packaging#55 Change-Id: I4993b269f3b97f6a4b6b8592aa8b5f4eb5448943
Maxim Cournoyer authoredPreviously, the only way to ensure a clean release tarball was to start from scratch, fetching all the contrib sources from the network (> 1 GiB). This change leverages the new 'list-tarballs' targets of the contrib build system to allow reusing the relevant tarballs from the cache when available, which translates to faster builds. It also constructs the pristine source release archive via git-archive, which guards against including unwanted files. Since only the required tarballs are included in the source archive, its size is reduced from 1.4 GiB to 72 MiB. GitLab: jami-packaging#55 Change-Id: I4993b269f3b97f6a4b6b8592aa8b5f4eb5448943
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Makefile 4.84 KiB
# -*- mode: makefile; -*-
# Copyright (C) 2016-2021 Savoir-faire Linux Inc.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
.DEFAULT_GOAL := package-all
## Version number variables ##
LAST_COMMIT_DATE:=$(shell git log -1 --format=%cd --date=short)
# number of commits that day
NUMBER_OF_COMMITS:=$(shell git log --format=%cd --date=short | grep -c $(LAST_COMMIT_DATE))
LAST_COMMIT_DATE_SHORT:=$(shell echo $(LAST_COMMIT_DATE) | sed -s 's/-//g')
# last commit id
COMMIT_ID:=$(shell git rev-parse --short HEAD)
# Debian versions
## Other variables ##
TMPDIR := $(shell mktemp -d)
CURRENT_UID:=$(shell id -u)
CURRENT_GID:=$(shell id -g)
## Release tarball targets ##
.PHONY: release-tarball
release-tarball: $(RELEASE_TARBALL_FILENAME)
# Fetch the required contrib sources and copy them to
# daemon/contrib/tarballs. To use a custom tarballs cache directory,
# export the TARBALLS environment variable.
rm -rf daemon/contrib/native
mkdir -p daemon/contrib/native && \
cd daemon/contrib/native && \
../bootstrap && \
$(MAKE) list && \
$(MAKE) fetch -j && \
$(MAKE) --silent list-tarballs > $(CURDIR)/$@
rm -rf daemon/contrib/native
# Generate the release tarball. Note: to avoid building 1+ GiB
# tarball containing all the bundled libraries, only the required
# tarballs are included. This means the resulting release tarball
# content depends on what libraries the host has installed. To build
# a single release tarball that can be used for any GNU/Linux machine,
# it should be built in a minimal container.)
$(RELEASE_TARBALL_FILENAME): tarballs.manifest
# Prepare the sources of the top repository and relevant submodules.
rm -f "$@"
mkdir $(TMPDIR)/ring-project
git archive HEAD | tar xf - -C $(TMPDIR)/ring-project
for m in daemon lrc client-gnome; do \
(cd "$$m" && git archive --prefix "$$m/" HEAD \
| tar xf - -C $(TMPDIR)/ring-project); \
# Create the base archive.
tar --create --file $(TMPDIR)/ring-project.tar $(TMPDIR)/ring-project \
--transform 's,.*/ring-project,ring-project,'
# Append the cached tarballs listed in the manifest.
tar --append --file $(TMPDIR)/ring-project.tar \
--files-from $< \
--transform 's,^.*/,ring-project/daemon/contrib/tarballs/,'
gzip $(TMPDIR)/ring-project.tar
mv $(TMPDIR)/ring-project.tar.gz "$@"
rm -rf $(TMPDIR)
## Packaging targets ##
# Append the output of make-packaging-target to this Makefile
# see Makefile.packaging.distro_targets
$(shell scripts/make-packaging-target.py --generate-all > Makefile.packaging.distro_targets)
include Makefile.packaging.distro_targets
package-all: $(PACKAGE-TARGETS)
.PHONY: list-package-targets
$(foreach p,$(PACKAGE-TARGETS),\
echo $(p);)
docker/Dockerfile_snap: patches/docker-snap-build-scripts.patch
if patch -p1 -fR --dry-run < $< >/dev/null 2>&1; then \
echo "Patching $@... skipped (already patched)"; \
else \
echo "Patching $@..."; \
patch -p1 -Ns < $< || { echo "Patching $@... failed" >&2 && exit 1; }; \
echo "Patching $@... done"; \
.PHONY: docker/Dockerfile_snap
## Other targets ##
.PHONY: docs
# Build the documentation
# Note that newly added RST files will likely not display on all documents'
# navigation bar unless the docs/build folder is manually deleted.
docs: env
env/bin/sphinx-build -b html docs/source docs/build/html
env/bin/sphinx-build -b texinfo docs/source docs/build/texinfo
virtualenv env
env/bin/pip install Sphinx==1.4.1 sphinx-rtd-theme==0.1.9
.PHONY: clean
rm -rf env
rm -rf docs/build
rm -f jami_*.tar.gz
rm -rf packages
rm -f Makefile.packaging.distro_targets
rm -f .docker-image-*
rm -rf daemon/contrib/tarballs/*