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  • Maxim Cournoyer's avatar
    ci: Spread builds across multiple nodes. · 566bd6e8
    Maxim Cournoyer authored
    When a .tarball-version file containing the version string is present,
    it is taken for granted that the source tarball is present.  This
    allows to lift the requirement on a Git checkout to use the source
    tarball.  This makes it easy and cheap to sync this tarball and
    accompanying .tarball-version file across different Jenkins agents to
    distribute the packaging jobs, bring the total build time from about 1
    h 40 to 40 minutes.
    * Makefile (TARBALL_VERSION): New variable.  When defined, do not do
    not invoke Git to derive the version string, simply use it.
    [RELEASE_TARBALL_FILENAME]: Do not compute prerequisites when
    TARBALL_VERSION is defined; assume the tarball is present.
    * .gitignore: Ignore .tarball-version.
    * Jenkinsfile: (Generate release tarball): Generate a .tarball-version
    file, and stash it along the release tarball.  Explicit this should
    run on a 'guix' agent.
    (Build packages): Forward to any 'linux-builder' agent, clean the
    workspace, unstash and extract the tarball and build.
    GitLab: jami-packaging#98
    Change-Id: I13088b75c9ccd5166662a84b7c5f8d4e8b7b65da
    ci: Spread builds across multiple nodes.
    Maxim Cournoyer authored
    When a .tarball-version file containing the version string is present,
    it is taken for granted that the source tarball is present.  This
    allows to lift the requirement on a Git checkout to use the source
    tarball.  This makes it easy and cheap to sync this tarball and
    accompanying .tarball-version file across different Jenkins agents to
    distribute the packaging jobs, bring the total build time from about 1
    h 40 to 40 minutes.
    * Makefile (TARBALL_VERSION): New variable.  When defined, do not do
    not invoke Git to derive the version string, simply use it.
    [RELEASE_TARBALL_FILENAME]: Do not compute prerequisites when
    TARBALL_VERSION is defined; assume the tarball is present.
    * .gitignore: Ignore .tarball-version.
    * Jenkinsfile: (Generate release tarball): Generate a .tarball-version
    file, and stash it along the release tarball.  Explicit this should
    run on a 'guix' agent.
    (Build packages): Forward to any 'linux-builder' agent, clean the
    workspace, unstash and extract the tarball and build.
    GitLab: jami-packaging#98
    Change-Id: I13088b75c9ccd5166662a84b7c5f8d4e8b7b65da
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Makefile 6.29 KiB
# -*- mode: makefile; -*-
# Copyright (C) 2016-2021 Savoir-faire Linux Inc.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
.DEFAULT_GOAL := package-all

## Version number variables ##
TARBALL_VERSION := $(shell cat $(CURDIR)/.tarball-version 2> /dev/null)

LAST_COMMIT_DATE:=$(shell git log -1 --format=%cd --date=short)

# number of commits that day
NUMBER_OF_COMMITS:=$(shell git log --format=%cd --date=short | grep -c $(LAST_COMMIT_DATE))

LAST_COMMIT_DATE_SHORT:=$(shell echo $(LAST_COMMIT_DATE) | sed -s 's/-//g')

# last commit id
COMMIT_ID:=$(shell git rev-parse --short HEAD)

$(warning Using version from the .tarball-version file: $(TARBALL_VERSION))

# Debian versions

# Qt versions

## Other variables ##
TMPDIR := $(shell mktemp -d)
CURRENT_UID:=$(shell id -u)
CURRENT_GID:=$(shell id -g)

## Release tarball targets ##
.PHONY: release-tarball purge-release-tarballs portable-release-tarball

# This file can be used when not wanting to invoke the tarball
# producing machinery (which depends on the Git checkout), nor its
# prerequisites.  It is used to set the TARBALL_VERSION Make variable.
	echo $(RELEASE_VERSION) > $@

	rm -f jami_*.tar.* tarballs.manifest

	rm -f "$(RELEASE_TARBALL_FILENAME)" tarballs.manifest

# The bundled tarballs included in the release tarball depend on what
# is available on the host.  To ensure it can be shared across all
# different GNU/Linux distributions, generate it in a minimal
# container.  Wget uses GnuTLS, which looks up its certs from
# /etc/ssl/certs.
guix-share-tarball-arg = $${TARBALLS:+"--share=$$TARBALLS"}
	command -v guix > /dev/null 2>&1 || \
	  (echo 'guix' is required to build the '$@' target && exit 1) && \
	guix environment --container --network \
          --preserve=TARBALLS $(guix-share-tarball-arg) \
          --expose=/usr/bin/env \
          --expose=$$SSL_CERT_FILE \
          --manifest=$(CURDIR)/guix/minimal-manifest.scm \
          -- $(MAKE) release-tarball

	mkdir -p daemon/contrib/native && \
	cd daemon/contrib/native && \

# Fetch the required contrib sources and copy them to
# daemon/contrib/tarballs.  To use a custom tarballs cache directory,
# export the TARBALLS environment variable.
tarballs.manifest: daemon/contrib/native/Makefile
	cd daemon/contrib/native && \
	$(MAKE) list && \
	$(MAKE) fetch -j && \
	$(MAKE) --no-print-directory --silent list-tarballs > "$(CURDIR)/$@"

# Generate the release tarball.  To regenerate a fresh tarball
# manually clear the tarballs.manifest file.
$(RELEASE_TARBALL_FILENAME): tarballs.manifest
# Prepare the sources of the top repository and relevant submodules.
	rm -f "$@"
	mkdir $(TMPDIR)/ring-project
	git archive HEAD | tar xf - -C $(TMPDIR)/ring-project
	for m in daemon lrc client-gnome client-qt; do \
		(cd "$$m" && git archive --prefix "$$m/" HEAD \
			| tar xf - -C $(TMPDIR)/ring-project); \
# Create the base archive.
	tar --create --file $(TMPDIR)/ring-project.tar $(TMPDIR)/ring-project \
		--transform 's,.*/ring-project,ring-project,'
# Append the cached tarballs listed in the manifest.
	tar --append --file $(TMPDIR)/ring-project.tar \
		--files-from $< \
		--transform 's,^.*/,ring-project/daemon/contrib/tarballs/,'
	gzip $(TMPDIR)/ring-project.tar
	mv $(TMPDIR)/ring-project.tar.gz "$@"
	rm -rf $(TMPDIR)
# If TARBALL_VERSION is defined, assume it's already been generated,
# without doing any checks, which would require Git.

## Packaging targets ##

# Append the output of make-packaging-target to this Makefile
# see Makefile.packaging.distro_targets
$(shell scripts/ --generate-all > Makefile.packaging.distro_targets)
include Makefile.packaging.distro_targets

package-all: $(PACKAGE-TARGETS)

.PHONY: list-package-targets
	@$(foreach p,$(PACKAGE-TARGETS),\
		echo $(p);)

docker/Dockerfile_snap: patches/docker-snap-build-scripts.patch
	if patch -p1 -fR --dry-run < $< >/dev/null 2>&1; then \
	  echo "Patching $@... skipped (already patched)"; \
	else \
	  echo "Patching $@..."; \
	  patch -p1 -Ns < $< || { echo "Patching $@... failed" >&2 && exit 1; }; \
	  echo "Patching $@... done"; \
.PHONY: docker/Dockerfile_snap

## Other targets ##
.PHONY: docs

# Build the documentation
# Note that newly added RST files will likely not display on all documents'
# navigation bar unless the docs/build folder is manually deleted.
docs: env
	env/bin/sphinx-build -b html docs/source docs/build/html
	env/bin/sphinx-build -b texinfo docs/source docs/build/texinfo

	virtualenv env
	env/bin/pip install Sphinx==1.4.1 sphinx-rtd-theme==0.1.9

.PHONY: clean
	rm -rf env
	rm -rf docs/build
	rm -f jami_*.tar.gz
	rm -rf packages
	rm -f Makefile.packaging.distro_targets
	rm -f .docker-image-*
	rm -rf daemon/contrib/tarballs/*