error: no such remote ref 7bfad26ae4eeb656733d409aa88cf0fcae69d7a5Fetched in submodule path 'plugins', but it did not contain 7bfad26ae4eeb656733d409aa88cf0fcae69d7a5. Direct fetching of that commit failed.
Could you please take a look? Thanks!
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This is not related to auto update. The update succeed but the build failed. They are excuted on different servers. Is there anything we can do to prevent this from happening again?
In fact the fix was for an incorrect submodule update nvm.
I will just update the submodules again on master. the tag should branch from valid commits. From your side there is nothing to just update some submodules (as only daemon & client-android are necessary), so for now, don't think there is a better way
If I understood it right, the changes in d225a9a4 will not be grabbed by the F-Droid's auto update because there is no android/release_%c tag pointing at it. Was that intended?
It seems F-Droid built against a wrong commit since it still failed with no such remote ref 7bfad26ae4eeb656733d409aa88cf0fcae69d7a5 which should has been updated.
amarok@tars3 ~/Projects/ring-project master git checkout -f android/release_301 Note: switching to 'android/release_301'.You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimentalchanges and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in thisstate without impacting any branches by switching back to a branch.If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you maydo so (now or later) by using -c with the switch command. Example: git switch -c <new-branch-name>Or undo this operation with: git switch -Turn off this advice by setting config variable advice.detachedHead to falseHEAD is now at 531663d update submodules amarok@tars3 ~/Projects/ring-project ➦ 531663d git submodule update --init --force --recursive Submodule 'client-android' ( registered for path 'client-android'Submodule 'client-gnome' ( registered for path 'client-gnome'Submodule 'client-ios' ( registered for path 'client-ios'Submodule 'client-macosx' ( registered for path 'client-macosx'Submodule 'client-qt' ( registered for path 'client-qt'Submodule 'client-uwp' ( registered for path 'client-uwp'Submodule 'daemon' ( registered for path 'daemon'Submodule 'lrc' ( registered for path 'lrc'Submodule 'plugins' ( registered for path 'plugins'Cloning into '/home/amarok/Projects/ring-project/client-android'...Cloning into '/home/amarok/Projects/ring-project/client-gnome'...Cloning into '/home/amarok/Projects/ring-project/client-ios'...Cloning into '/home/amarok/Projects/ring-project/client-macosx'...Cloning into '/home/amarok/Projects/ring-project/client-qt'...Cloning into '/home/amarok/Projects/ring-project/client-uwp'...Cloning into '/home/amarok/Projects/ring-project/daemon'...Cloning into '/home/amarok/Projects/ring-project/lrc'...Cloning into '/home/amarok/Projects/ring-project/plugins'...Submodule path 'client-android': checked out '195212d0b3a9351a7ca9808cf0ec987c22d8f96f'Submodule path 'client-gnome': checked out 'a3ae9fd07f296b282abdbaf5338750af583675a8'Submodule path 'client-ios': checked out 'a68931d4c1281c74c86d43a60714fc06a87fb010'Submodule path 'client-macosx': checked out '812d5506c3bcae5b9d184ead81e707bf97dc1268'Submodule 'sparkle/Sparkle' ( registered for path 'client-macosx/sparkle/Sparkle'Cloning into '/home/amarok/Projects/ring-project/client-macosx/sparkle/Sparkle'...Submodule path 'client-macosx/sparkle/Sparkle': checked out '4e332850686b2ac9f581a4779af4d4b442fdd5be'Submodule path 'client-qt': checked out '1f91576a0bf33c9d632595cf433d547d1f1d1e06'Submodule path 'client-uwp': checked out 'f15a1224786a83b507cbcab624fc41e9ea1bfb67'Submodule path 'daemon': checked out '9ff4cf0b9ccc9e044ece2d6796612ef5eed53c5d'Submodule path 'lrc': checked out '82f8718fd21a7d310ac170f69a7683db74ca9f64'Submodule path 'plugins': checked out '1bbc7cc2a5de65e03676a2f372be7c603df86887'
the server doesn't do the build from scratch (like does it keep the repo at the end? Or clone again?)
2021-06-11 21:58:14,770 INFO: Getting source for revision android/release_3012021-06-11 21:58:14,770 DEBUG: Directory: build/cx.ring``̀ I only see this, but not a git clone command. Generally CI tools re-clone each time. If the tag was previously checkout, it can explain things.
@linsui I think I can add android/release_302. But it's a bit ugly (tagging release 302 for release 301) this means that we will not be able to provide the version 302 to FDroid (because the FDroid server will not update its tag) however we merged two really big features in master yesterday and it will take some beta before any new release, so 302 and some others will not be taggued for FDroid anyway.
So yeah I can do the tag whatever you prefer, but imho the commit is a bit cleaner.
Also I think it will be a subject for FDroid to know if cloning from scratch before building would be a better idea.
If we read the logs, I see the build doing several git clean -dffx, fetch, and prune. There can be several reasons (at least this avoid to pull a lot of datas every time), but imho it may be a bit error prone, a bit more complex that clone/submodule update/build and need a bigger storage.
I reopened the issue, we can at least confirm that the tag update or the commit will build.
Git checkout of '531663d0e8ba1e4ad217fc7083fcb2918e47cc83' failed==== detail begin ====fatal: reference is not a tree: 531663d0e8ba1e4ad217fc7083fcb2918e47cc83==== detail end ====
Is that because the commit is not in the tree? Maybe I should use d225a9a4 instead?
2021-06-15 05:29:38,977 INFO: Removing specified files2021-06-15 05:29:38,977 ERROR: Could not build app cx.ring: glob path 'client-electron' did not match any files/dirs2021-06-15 05:29:38,977 DEBUG: Error encoutered, stopping by user request.