Issue if you disable video while you're on a (1:1) video call [Windows 10/Android]
using newest beta version of Jami
also related: #1475 (moved)
steps to reproduce:
Issue 1:
Android & Windows 10 both enabled video
- Make a video call Windows 10 -> Android
- Just Windows 10 while you're on a video call: Go to settings -> Account -> Media -> and disable video
- Windows 10: Now return to the video
- The video of the Windows 10 webcam still keeps running (and both persons can view all video streams)
- Now just the Android user changes the camera
- The Windows 10 user and the Android user can now see the camera preview of their own camera but the Android user can't see the Windows 10 user and the Windows 10 user can't see the Android user (The Android user will just see the profile picture of the Windows 10 user; the Windows 10 user just gets a black video)
- Now exit the call
Issue 2:
Android & Windows 10 both enabled video
- Make a video call Windows 10 -> Android
- Android: While you're on a video call: Go to settings and disable the video -> the video still keeps running
- Android: If you switch the camera the Windows 10 user will still see the video of the Android user, but the video of Windows 10 user will freeze (although the Windows 10 user never switched the camera or turned it on or off)
- the Android user can even switch the camera and/or shares his screen
- After the Android user stops to share his phone screen he can see the Windows 10 user again
Maybe you can also check scenarios like group call (conferences) if just one peer disables video while he is on the call.