Jami will remain "connecting" (Windows 10->Android) sameuseraccount -> sameuseraccount
ALWAYS DISABLE "run in background"
updated bug report:
- Jami Version (Beta): 202302011426 and Windows 10
- Jami 20230210-01 and Android
Steps to reproduce:
sameuseraccount -> sameuseraccount different network both devices
- Open Jami on Windows 10 and Android
- Make a call Windows 10 -> Android
- Jami on Windows 10 will stuck on "connecting"
The only way to fix this issue is to exit Jami on Android and enter Jami on Android again (maybe multiple times) - Remember you keep the call running JUST on Windows 10.
After 20 or 30 seconds the call suddenly works although Jami on Windows 10 just showed "Connecting".
EDIT: I think:
- might be related to #1512 (moved)
- It does not matter how long you wait until you enter Jami (Android) again if you make a call useraccount1 (Windows 10) -> useraccount2 (Android)
- I think you can't reproduce if you exit Jami (Android only) and open Jami (Android) very fast again but you are making a call sameuseraccount -> sameuseraccount
- I think you CAN reproduce if you exit Jami (Android only) wait over 30 seconds or even longer and THEN make a call sameuseraccount -> sameuseraccount
Steps to reproduce:
useraccount 1 -> useraccount2 (different network)
- You open Jami on Windows 10 and Android
- Now wait 30 seconds or longer (Maybe you can make successfully calls?)
- Now just exit Jami on Android
- Before the Android user can view the green dot of the Windows 10 contact, the Windows 10 user makes a call Windows 10 -> Android
- The Windows 10 user will just get a "Connecting" message (forever?/for a minute) even if a few seconds later the Android user can view the green dot of the Windows 10 contact
Both users might get "Missed outgoing call"?
Same issue if the Windows 10 user tries to call the Android contact once he exits Jami.
If I wait until the Android user can view the green dot of the Windows 10 contact I get this issue: #1512 (moved)
However - No issues if you make a call Android -> Windows 10 - even if the green dot of the Windows 10 in the contact list of the Android user is not visible yet