I made some small alterations so that make-ring.py would run past a package name change
These may be portable so I have attached the ammended make-ring.
so devuan is available from --command-line options:
not really huge issue.
allow apt to get to the end of its install run ???
slightly more practical but possibly error prone ::
added --fix-missing
so that the operator can see past package naming/version "errors".
(or this projects lack of prescience :)
update the upnp dev libs ???
line 131 (ish)
libupnp-dev (replaces the 1:1.8.X version
'libudev-dev', 'libupnp-dev', 'libyaml-cpp-dev'
alternatively (if you must an exact version set it like so ?
libupnp-dev=1:1.8.2-1~ or libupnp-dev=1:1.8.4-2
( or whatever works for the project on debian stock 9 or 10)
I am in the process of familiarising myself with gerrit.
Then I will submit each change individually.
None of these changes are really any more than "getting it to build" with the provided tool. (make-ring.py)
The devuan addition to the apt list is almost decorative. ( there should be almost no difference in packages to upstream debian _unless systemd is directly_ involved and then its something "devuanites" are used to in any case :)
However the shift in devlib names is actually an issue as with the current apt-get instruction the script fails. (rightly so)
I am also on the steep part of the learning curve around the project structure generally. The reason I cloned in the first place was to track some errors :)
( I followed the instructions on review.jami.net )
" git push origin HEAD:refs/for/master "
Using the USERNAME as per my account on review.jami.net
Tried the https password
Tried the ssh type password and uloading a pubkey etc.
(which gives me forbidden / not allowed errors)
Is there another git I need to clone ??
Or some setting I need to make to my local .gits ?
Tried setting project username and email address to match ...
(and other random desperate guesses measures)
** The changes are all in the previously attached file. **
also a diff -u patch is attached to THIS message
I was trying to stage them in.
But its the best I could manage.
Apologies if I missed a big green button or a gerrit convention someplace.
$ git push origin HEAD:refs/for/masterUsername for 'https://git.jami.net': PeteGozzPassword for 'https://PeteGozz@git.jami.net': remote: You are not allowed to push code to this project.fatal: unable to access 'https://git.jami.net/savoirfairelinux/ring-project.git/': The requested URL returned error: 403
FWIW I would be surprised if I WAS allowed to actually hit the live code :)
git.jami.net is our Gitlab server and is a mirror of gerrit. The remote should be "ssh://YOUR_USER@review.jami.net:29420/ring-project", So can you try "git remote set-url origin ssh://YOUR_USER@review.jami.net:29420/ring-project" and then push.
Note, if you use ssh, you need to add your ssh key in the profile on the gerrit profile page.
Also if you want to log into "review.jami.net", click on "Sign in", Gitlab => log into gitlab.
Just for your info, this will take some time for the review, because I'll have to setup a Devuan VM and correctly test it before actually merging it :)
Bugger. Like I said not a huge issue. Just nice if the option is available.
If there is some lockin to systemd devuan will try to remove it themselves.
Its what they do :) If they have an issue they will contact you (upstream) .
Devuan essentially tracks Debian stable testing and unstable really closely.
Beyond cleaning out as much of systemd as possible::
There is some (often intense) user level focus on the lighter desktops,
and login GUI's (slim or lightdm )
eudev is used instead of udev.
Dbus is supported. (so far :)
The system level daemon launch stuff is sysv init.d by default.
However users use whatever init they like or need.
The approach is that if it works on Debian then Devuan makes it work as well.
Packages are imported (per instance) direct from debian and if there is no issue they go straight through. Otherwise apt dpkg's equivs system is used to replace them.
(( except for the systemd ... um ... dependency tree ))
Having rabbited on about all that ... just go with a default install :)
It certainly wont hurt.
Actually its not only the equivs approach , there are dedicated packages built as well.
So far as a (nominally typical[1]) devaun user, running either E16 or openbox as a desktop environment, I can run gnome-ring OK with only occasional issues::
dring instances not stopping on logout, and
some interface sizing issues... lag on updates ...
None of them scratchy enough (yet), for me to grok all that C++.
I mainly removed duplicated links + the .ssh part. I think the full commands should be given, if anyone wants to change the default commands by editing a local .config, they can do that, but I prefer to not mention it in a general doc.
But feel free to improve the page. For now, only devs can update the doc. Maybe I will move it to a dedicated repo to make contributions easy.