I use a SIP account to call landlines and cellular phones from a Windows 10 desktop. Jami shows only the phone numbers of my contacts - nothing more. Unless I recognize a phone number, there is no point of having Jami store it as a "contact"; I might as well look it up, copy it and paste it into Jami each time I have to make a call. For the contact list to be useful, the user needs to see a name next to each number.
The absence of this feature makes Jami largely useless. I've been looking for an alternative to Wire since it's moved its servers to the usa but Jami cannot deliver without this ability.
I have found workaround for latest Linux version. Go to ~/.local/share/jami/XXXXX/profiles - there are contact list vcard files. XXXXX - profile id (if you have many profiles). Open .vcf file of needed contact and set name after FN:
Merging the history of an old, abandoned account into a new one would also be useful (deleting the old account in the process). In reality, one of my contacts will eventually lose a password and lock themselves out of their account permanently; migrating to a new one should ideally be easy.
Sorry, I wasn't clear. If someone else, not me, loses their password, and makes a new account, and tells me about it, I want to copy their avatar image, conversation history etc. to the conversation of their new account. This only changes the data held in my Jami instance. I tell Jami "New Person X2 is Person X1, copy everything".
I have tried the workaround 667bdrm had proposed, it worked for me. However, it would be nice to implement this feature into the GUI to make Jami a smooth application for everybody, not only for nerds.
I would to see the Jami conversation request tab be changed to the contacts tab which can store any saved contact in an encrypted format. It will have the following fields
NameJami ID/Username
This will allow you to set names to contacts that do not set a name for themselves or a usernames so you know who is who and who you are talking to.
And to have the ability to import/export your contacts in an encrypted compressed file like a GZ file which can be backed up.
And to have your contact list be synced with your other devices.
The contact list should be per account. So if you have two account and you use both accounts to talk to one person. You would need to have their contact saved in the contact list of both accounts.
Has anybody found a workaround for Android to name conversations similar to what was proposed for Linux or Windows 10?
In other words: Where is the information stored in Android smartphones?
Thank you,
The option to overwrite contact aliases and avatars (but not username or Jami Id, obviously) would be nice. However, in regards to renaming conversations, there are already some changes to the UI and the way conversations work with swarms coming.
Dear Nick,
Thank you for your hint! Unfortunately, my search was not successful. The said directory "/data/data/cx.ring" contains only one sub-directory that looks promising, which is "/data/data/cx.ring/files":
folder: 123456789abc
folder: 123456789def
folder: certificates
folder: crls
folder: ocsp
folder: ringtones
The only folders, where I can find *.vcf files are the ones with numbers. Each of them contains a file called "profile.vcf". From what I can see these are my profiles - one for the genuine Jami account; the other one for the sip account.
To make sure that I have not missed out anything I also inspected the other folders in "cx.ring" but have not found any contact list. I'm afraid I will have to wait for the new user interface that may bring the desired improvements or not, we will see.
Actually, I was hoping someone from Savoir-Faire joins in; they should know where they hide the conversations.
Best regards,
In a SIP account, when you click on the pencil icon to change the display name, the tooltip popup incorrectly shows Swarm's name. There is no swarm in SIP accounts.
but it does not persist, when closing and reopening Jami. I'm on flatpak though, version 20230922.1.ea5b2d65, but having granted access via flatseal to write, whereever Jami likes.
Can someone confirm? Or should I report to the flatpak repository?