Can't make video calls without internet (Wifi hotspot)
Steps to reproduce:
You are using two Android phones with the same Jami account (device 1 (sameuseraccount) - device 2 (sameuseraccount)).
Now you disable all internet connections (on all devices; wifi and/or LTE)
- Now use device 1 to create a Wi-Fi hotspot
- Now device 2 will use the same Wi-Fi hotspot like device 1 (and will warn you that there is no internet)
- If you tap a contact ONLY device 1 will show "no network connection" (NOT device 2 although it uses the same hotspot (without internet))
You can send messages (haven't tried attachments) but at first you'll have to wait like 30 seconds or a minute (even if you're already connected to the WiFi)
If you switch- so that device 2 no creates a hotspot even text messaging won't work anymore?
But you can never make any calls (Desktop (hotspot WITH internet?) - Android had no issues?)
Maybe related: jami-docs#9 (comment 38594)