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Prioritized labels 12

Drag to reorder prioritized labels and change their relative priority.
  • severitycritical
    This is a catastrophic issue. The application is completely unusable and there is no workaround available (e.g., crashes). Development and testing are blocked.
  • severityhigh
    This is a serious issue. A major functionality is severely impaired and there is no satisfactory workaround.
  • severitymedium
    This is a moderate issue. Non-critical functionality is blocked or a workaround exists.
  • severitylow
    This is a minor issue. Cosmetic problems or with low or no impact on users.
  • typebug
    The issue is a genuine and identified malfunction within the system, distinguishing it from a feature request, question, or refactoring.
  • typefeature request
    A ticket proposing a new feature or a significant enhancement. The issue should describe the problem, the proposed solution, and the benefits.
  • naturereproducible
    A bug that can be reliably reproduced in our environment by following the given steps (scenario). Such bugs are prioritized as they allow for efficient identification and correction, leading to faster resolutions.
  • naturenon-reproducible
    A bug that cannot be reliably reproduced in our environment by following the given steps (scenario).
  • naturewont fix
    A bug that will not be addressed, due to various reasons such as inability to reproduce the issue, outdated nature, or issues related to the user's setup or misuse.
  • sprintin progress
    The issue has been identified and is currently being patched, as part of the current development cycle.
  • sprintto review
    The patch has been developed and is awaiting team review before final approval.
  • sprintdone
    The issue has been patched, reviewed, and merged into the project.
  • Other labels 46

  • build
    An issue related to transforming code into the application, such as library issues that cause builds to break, library updates, or code that fails to compile.
  • call
    An issue related to a general audio or video call functionality.
  • chatview
    An issue related to the conversational interface for writing, sending, receiving, and viewing messages.
  • ci/cd
    An issue related to Jenkins and our continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) processes such as automated builds, tests, and deployments. Issues tagged with this label may involve configuring pipelines, troubleshooting build failures, optimizing testing processes, or managing release versions.
  • code quality
    An issue related to unclear code segments, code efficiency, including organization, naming conventions and readability improvements, or overall code quality improvements.
  • connectivity
    An issue related to network connectivity problems and difficulties in establishing or maintaining connections between devices such as call lags, drops, users' online presence, message send/receive issues, conversation instability, and disruptions due to network changes. These issues are crucial to address.
  • contact
    An issue related to managing contacts, such as searching, inviting, accepting, blocking, and deleting contacts.
  • documentation
    An issue related to creating, or updating Jami's documentation.
  • duplicate
    A ticket determined to be a duplicate of another issue already submitted to GitLab. When applying this label, be sure to mention the link to the original ticket in the duplicate ticket, merge the relevant details into the original ticket to avoid redundancy, and close the duplicate ticket.
  • files
    An issue related to the file sharing and display functionality.
  • good first issue
    An issue suitable for interns or new developers. These are simple tasks designed to help new contributors get started.
  • help wanted
    An issue for which external contributions are needed. Use it to ask for help from the community or the development team.
  • i18n
    An issue related to internationalization (i18n) efforts within the application and website. The goal of internationalization is to support a diverse user base by making Jami accessible, and adaptable to different languages. Tasks may include editing incorrect translations, extracting translatable text strings, character support, right-to-left (RTL) rendering issues, as well as coordinating translation efforts on Transifex.
  • invalid
    A ticket that is not deemed valid due to insufficient information, unclear scenarios, or unclear explanations of the issue.
  • jams
    An issue involving both JAMS and clients (Android, iOS, Qt). Do not use this label for an issue about JAMS alone; move it to the jami-jams folder.
  • location
    An issue related to location sharing.
  • media
    An issue related to an audio, video, or screen sharing functionality.
  • meta
    The ticket serves as an overview to link all bugs and feature requests that are currently pending for a global product feature.
  • natureintermittent
    A bug occurs sporadically and is not consistently reproducible.
  • natureto determine
    The reproducibility of the bug is not yet determined and needs further investigation.