- Camera preview in av settings now opens after inserting USB camera on a device with `No video device`; - Same for recording video message window. Change-Id: I34ad9b6900865fdc7c4acf861527e4bf8e336123 GitLab: #610
- Camera preview in av settings now opens after inserting USB camera on a device with `No video device`; - Same for recording video message window. Change-Id: I34ad9b6900865fdc7c4acf861527e4bf8e336123 GitLab: #610
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VideoSettings.qml 9.20 KiB
* Copyright (C) 2020 by Savoir-faire Linux
* Author: Aline Gondim Santos <aline.gondimsantos@savoirfairelinux.com>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
import QtGraphicalEffects 1.15
import net.jami.Models 1.1
import net.jami.Adapters 1.1
import net.jami.Enums 1.1
import net.jami.Constants 1.1
import "../../commoncomponents"
ColumnLayout {
id: root
property real aspectRatio: 0.75
property int itemWidth
function startPreviewing(force = false) {
if (root.visible) {
previewWidget.deviceId = VideoDevices.getDefaultDevice()
previewWidget.rendererId = VideoDevices.startDevice(previewWidget.deviceId, force)
function updatePreviewRatio() {
var resolution = VideoDevices.defaultRes
if (resolution.length !== 0) {
var resVec = resolution.split("x")
var ratio = resVec[1] / resVec[0]
if (ratio) {
aspectRatio = ratio
} else {
console.error("Could not scale recording video preview")
onVisibleChanged: {
if (visible) {
hardwareAccelControl.checked = AvAdapter.getHardwareAcceleration()
if (previewWidget.visible)
} else {
Connections {
target: VideoDevices
function onDefaultResChanged() {
function onDeviceAvailable() {
function onDeviceListChanged() {
var deviceModel = deviceComboBoxSetting.comboModel
var resModel = resolutionComboBoxSetting.comboModel
var fpsModel = fpsComboBoxSetting.comboModel
var resultList = deviceModel.match(deviceModel.index(0, 0),
deviceComboBoxSetting.modelIndex = resultList.length > 0 ?
resultList[0].row : deviceModel.rowCount() ? 0 : -1
resultList = resModel.match(resModel.index(0, 0),
resolutionComboBoxSetting.modelIndex = resultList.length > 0 ?
resultList[0].row : deviceModel.rowCount() ? 0 : -1
resultList = fpsModel.match(fpsModel.index(0, 0),
fpsComboBoxSetting.modelIndex = resultList.length > 0 ?
resultList[0].row : deviceModel.rowCount() ? 0 : -1
ElidedTextLabel {
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.preferredHeight: JamiTheme.preferredFieldHeight
eText: JamiStrings.video
fontSize: JamiTheme.headerFontSize
maxWidth: itemWidth * 2
SettingsComboBox {
id: deviceComboBoxSetting
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.preferredHeight: JamiTheme.preferredFieldHeight
Layout.leftMargin: JamiTheme.preferredMarginSize
enabled: VideoDevices.listSize !== 0
opacity: enabled ? 1.0 : 0.5
fontPointSize: JamiTheme.settingsFontSize
widthOfComboBox: itemWidth
labelText: JamiStrings.device
tipText: JamiStrings.selectVideoDevice
placeholderText: JamiStrings.noVideoDevice
currentSelectionText: VideoDevices.defaultName
comboModel: VideoDevices.devicesFilterModel()
role: "DeviceName"
onActivated: {
// TODO: start and stop preview logic in here should be in LRC
SettingsComboBox {
id: resolutionComboBoxSetting
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.preferredHeight: JamiTheme.preferredFieldHeight
Layout.leftMargin: JamiTheme.preferredMarginSize
enabled: VideoDevices.listSize !== 0
opacity: enabled ? 1.0 : 0.5
widthOfComboBox: itemWidth
fontPointSize: JamiTheme.settingsFontSize
labelText: JamiStrings.resolution
currentSelectionText: VideoDevices.defaultRes
tipText: JamiStrings.selectVideoResolution
comboModel: VideoDevices.resFilterModel()
role: "Resolution"
onActivated: VideoDevices.setDefaultDeviceRes(modelIndex)
SettingsComboBox {
id: fpsComboBoxSetting
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.preferredHeight: JamiTheme.preferredFieldHeight
Layout.leftMargin: JamiTheme.preferredMarginSize
enabled: VideoDevices.listSize !== 0
opacity: enabled ? 1.0 : 0.5
widthOfComboBox: itemWidth
fontPointSize: JamiTheme.settingsFontSize
tipText: JamiStrings.selectFPS
labelText: JamiStrings.fps
currentSelectionText: VideoDevices.defaultFps.toString()
comboModel: VideoDevices.fpsFilterModel()
role: "FPS"
onActivated: VideoDevices.setDefaultDeviceFps(modelIndex)
ToggleSwitch {
id: hardwareAccelControl
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.leftMargin: JamiTheme.preferredMarginSize
labelText: JamiStrings.enableHWAccel
fontPointSize: JamiTheme.settingsFontSize
onSwitchToggled: {
// video Preview
Rectangle {
id: rectBox
visible: VideoDevices.listSize !== 0
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
Layout.preferredHeight: width * aspectRatio
Layout.minimumWidth: 200
Layout.maximumWidth: 400
Layout.preferredWidth: itemWidth * 2
Layout.bottomMargin: JamiTheme.preferredMarginSize
color: JamiTheme.primaryForegroundColor
DistantRenderer {
id: previewWidget
anchors.fill: rectBox
property string deviceId: VideoDevices.getDefaultDevice()
rendererId: VideoDevices.getDefaultDevice()
lrcInstance: LRCInstance
layer.enabled: true
layer.effect: OpacityMask {
maskSource: rectBox
onVisibleChanged: {
if (visible) {
} else
Label {
visible: VideoDevices.listSize === 0
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.preferredHeight: JamiTheme.preferredFieldHeight
Layout.bottomMargin: JamiTheme.preferredMarginSize
text: JamiStrings.previewUnavailable
font.pointSize: JamiTheme.settingsFontSize
font.kerning: true
color: JamiTheme.primaryForegroundColor
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
ElidedTextLabel {
id: screenSharingSetTitle
visible: screenSharingFPSComboBoxSetting.modelSize > 0
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.preferredHeight: JamiTheme.preferredFieldHeight
eText: JamiStrings.screenSharing
fontSize: JamiTheme.headerFontSize
maxWidth: itemWidth * 2
SettingsComboBox {
id: screenSharingFPSComboBoxSetting
visible: modelSize > 0
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.preferredHeight: JamiTheme.preferredFieldHeight
Layout.leftMargin: JamiTheme.preferredMarginSize
Layout.bottomMargin: JamiTheme.preferredMarginSize
widthOfComboBox: itemWidth
fontPointSize: JamiTheme.settingsFontSize
tipText: JamiStrings.selectScreenSharingFPS
labelText: JamiStrings.fps
currentSelectionText: VideoDevices.screenSharingDefaultFps.toString()
placeholderText: VideoDevices.screenSharingDefaultFps.toString()
comboModel: ListModel { id: screenSharingFpsModel }
role: "FPS"
Component.onCompleted: {
var elements = VideoDevices.getScreenSharingFpsModel()
for (var item in elements) {
screenSharingFpsModel.append({"FPS": elements[item]})
onActivated: VideoDevices.setDisplayFPS(screenSharingFpsModel.get(modelIndex).FPS)