Issue file transfer Windows 10 -> Android
using newest Android and Windows 10 version of Jami
Steps to reproduce (sameuseraccount (Windows 10) -> sameuseraccount (Android))
- Launch Jami (Android and Windows 10); However - you didn't launch Jami as an admin (Windows 10; you forgot?)
- Now the Windows 10 user wants to copy a file from another drive (#681 (closed))
- The Windows 10 user just views a message "just now - 1,234 MB - Incoming transfer" but the Android user immediately views the file and a Download option - However the Android user won't be able to tap the Download option even if (JUST) the Windows 10 user exits Jami and launches Jami as an admin (sometimes (Android device) the file will have a Download option - sometimes the Download option (Android) won't be displayed)
However: Sometimes it might work and the file will be automatically downloaded as soon as the Windows 10 user launches Jami as an admin
So the Windows 10 user has to exit Jami and launch Jami as an admin and start a new file transfer again
- However: Jami on Android won't show any download progress: you just always get 0 / 9.5 MB and suddenly the file is available (issue jami-client-android#1151)
We would actually need at least: #880 (closed)