Emmanuel Milou authoredEmmanuel Milou authored
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NEWS 3.00 KiB
SFLphoned (0.7.0) / 2006-...
* adding reload (sound driver) button
* fix: peer hangup remove flashing buttons
* removing old packaging stuff like FIXME or sflphone.spec.in
* fix: click on flashing buttons
* fix: send ringing, hangup, busy message
* fix for using call command two times in a row
* add --disable-sflphoneqt 2006-05-01
* remove libexosip2 internally, it's in debian unstable 2005-01-01
* add iax support - in development
* add account support
* remove callid string/int
* add account SIP0 (default) in sflphone-cli
* add account SIP0 (default) in sflphone-qt
* fix nat handling (use the same port that it test)
* add register/unregister in qt
* add test audio driver button
* add hold/unhold/hangup to sflphone-cli
SFLphoned (0.6.2) / 2005-11-29
* integral mono support
* libsamplerate added for macosx
SFLphoned (0.6.1) / 2005-11-26
* add speex codec (experimental)
* fix for codec handling in sdp and audiortp
* new codec class
* add portaudio missing file
(thanks to Pierre POMES)
* add samplerate and inChannel/outChannel in AudioLayer
we could use microphone in mono and speaker in stereo
SFLphoned/SFLphone (0.6) / 2005-11-04
* improve sip protocol
* can now receive text message
* accept reinvite call
* cleaning headers
* improving bash launcher script
* select audio input and output device
* installation review
SFLphoned/SFLphone (0.5a) / 2005-10-17
* sflphoned
* bug fixes
* sflphone-qt
* client/server protocol
SFLphone (0.4.1-pre2) / 2005-09-30
* rearranged utilspp use
* Bug fix when trying to use more than 6 lines.
* Now, we send a final response to reINVITEs
(thanks to Mikael Magnusson)
* We can build in different build directories.
(thanks to Mikael Magnusson)
* We actualy check if portaudio and eXosip2 libs
are installed
* zeroconf integration start
SFLphone (0.4.1-pre1) / 2005-08-11
* Use libeXosip2
* Add blink notification for voice-message
* Add scrolling text
SFLphone (0.4) / 2005-07-06
* Cleanup code
* Add autotools support
* Handle CANCEL method
* PortAudio replace OSS and ALSA devices choice
* Add PortAudioCpp to make easy use of RingBuffer object for
audio callback
* Add PortAudio library to make easy sound portability
* Fix a few memory leak
* Reorganisation of SFLphone architecture
* Handle error messages on screen
* Handle "refused call"
* Notification of remote RINGING event added
* Call management updated
SFLphone (0.3) / 2005-04-05
* ALSA driver support added
* GSM audio codec support added
* Ringtones support (just ulaw format) added
* Notification incoming call added
* Apply skin feature added
* Volume control added
* Registration manually added
* Config-file in home directory changed to ".sflphone"
SFLphone (0.2) / 2005-01-18
* Lines management updated
* Blocking bug fixed
* Configuration tree, made from a config file, added for setup
* Dial tone updated
* Timer call updated
* Apply feature updated
* Non-network or request failure cases updated
SFLphone (0.1a) / 2004-12-22
* First release