Maxim Cournoyer authored
This is a follow up to commit 4ee93922, which introduced partial deployments. The unstash operation also needs to be handled specially, as it may now fail attempting to unstash an item that could not be stashed previously. * Jenkinsfile ('Sign & deploy packages'): Skip target deployment when it fails to be unstashed. Change-Id: I59341e4c3bb007125402f4b28979d0e8e963757d
Maxim Cournoyer authoredThis is a follow up to commit 4ee93922, which introduced partial deployments. The unstash operation also needs to be handled specially, as it may now fail attempting to unstash an item that could not be stashed previously. * Jenkinsfile ('Sign & deploy packages'): Skip target deployment when it fails to be unstashed. Change-Id: I59341e4c3bb007125402f4b28979d0e8e963757d
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Jenkinsfile 7.83 KiB
// Packaging validation for supported GNU/Linux systems.
// Note: To work on this script without having to push a commit each
// time, use the jenkins-cli command (see:
// https://wiki.savoirfairelinux.com/wiki/Jenkins.jami.net#Usage_CLI_de_Jenkins).
// Requirements:
// 1. gerrit-trigger plugin
// 2. ws-cleanup plugin
// Configuration globals.
def SUBMODULES = ['daemon', 'lrc', 'client-gnome', 'client-qt']
def TARGETS = [:]
def SSH_PRIVATE_KEY = '/var/lib/jenkins/.ssh/gplpriv'
def REMOTE_BASE_DIR = '/srv/repository/ring'
def RING_PUBLIC_KEY_FINGERPRINT = 'A295D773307D25A33AE72F2F64CD5FA175348F84'
def SNAPCRAFT_KEY = '/var/lib/jenkins/.snap/key'
$class: 'BuildDiscarderProperty',
strategy: [$class: 'LogRotator', numToKeepStr: '30']
$class: 'GerritTrigger',
gerritProjects: [
$class: "GerritProject",
pattern: "ring-project",
branches: [
[$class: "Branch", pattern: "master"]
triggerOnEvents: [
$class: "PluginPatchsetCreatedEvent",
excludeDrafts: true,
excludeTrivialRebase: true,
excludeNoCodeChange: true
$class: "PluginCommentAddedContainsEvent",
commentAddedCommentContains: '!build'
pipeline {
agent {
label 'guix'
parameters {
string(name: 'GERRIT_REFSPEC',
defaultValue: 'refs/heads/master',
description: 'The Gerrit refspec to fetch.')
booleanParam(name: 'WITH_MANUAL_SUBMODULES',
defaultValue: false,
description: 'Checkout the ' + SUBMODULES.join(', ') +
' submodules at their Git-recorded commit. When left ' +
'unticked (the default), checkout the submodules at ' +
'their latest commit from their main remote branch.')
booleanParam(name: 'BUILD_ARM',
defaultValue: false,
description: 'Whether to build ARM packages.')
booleanParam(name: 'DEPLOY',
defaultValue: false,
description: 'Whether and where to deploy packages.')
choice(name: 'CHANNEL',
choices: 'internal\nnightly\nstable',
description: 'The repository channel to deploy to. ' +
'Defaults to "internal".')
string(name: 'PACKAGING_TARGETS',
defaultValue: '',
description: 'A whitespace-separated list of packaging ' +
'targets, e.g. "package-debian_10 package-snap". ' +
'When left unspecified, all the packaging targets are built.')
environment {
TARBALLS = '/opt/ring-contrib' // set the cache directory
options {
stages {
stage('Check configuration') {
when { not { expression { fileExists TARBALLS } } }
steps {
error "The ${TARBALLS} directory does not exist. \
See https://wiki.savoirfairelinux.com/wiki/Jenkins.jami.net#Configuration"
stage('Fetch submodules') {
steps {
echo 'Initializing submodules ' + SUBMODULES.join(', ') +
(params.WITH_MANUAL_SUBMODULES ? '.' : ' to their latest commit.')
sh 'git submodule update --init --recursive' +
(params.WITH_MANUAL_SUBMODULES ? ' ' : ' --remote ') +
SUBMODULES.join(' ')
stage('Generate release tarball') {
steps {
// Note: sourcing .bashrc is necessary to setup the
// environment variables used by Guix.
sh '''#!/usr/bin/env bash
test -f $HOME/.bashrc && . $HOME/.bashrc
make portable-release-tarball .tarball-version
stash(includes: '*.tar.gz, .tarball-version',
name: 'release-tarball')
stage('Build packages') {
environment {
// The following password is used to register with the
// RHEL subscription-manager tool, required to build on RHEL.
PASS = credentials('developers-redhat-com')
steps {
script {
def targetsText = params.PACKAGING_TARGETS.trim()
if (!targetsText) {
targetsText = sh(script: 'make -s list-package-targets',
returnStdout: true).trim()
TARGETS = targetsText.split(/\s/)
if (!params.BUILD_ARM) {
TARGETS = TARGETS.findAll { !(it =~ /_(armhf|arm64)$/) }
def stages = [:]
TARGETS.each { target ->
// Note: The stage calls are wrapped in closures, to
// delay their execution.
stages[target] = {
stage(target) {
// Offload builds to different agents.
node('linux-builder') {
unstash 'release-tarball'
catchError(buildResult: 'SUCCESS',
stageResult: 'FAILURE') {
sh """
tar xf *.tar.gz --strip-components=1
make ${target}
stash(includes: 'packages/**',
name: target)
parallel stages
stage('Sign & deploy packages') {
agent {
label 'ring-buildmachine-02.mtl.sfl'
when {
expression {
steps {
script {
TARGETS.each { target ->
try {
unstash target
} catch (err) {
echo "Failed to unstash ${target}, skipping..."
def distribution = target - ~/^package-/
echo "Deploying packages for ${distribution}..."
sh """scripts/deploy-packages.sh \
--distribution=${distribution} \
--snapcraft-login="${SNAPCRAFT_KEY}" \
--remote-ssh-identity-file="${SSH_PRIVATE_KEY}" \
--remote-repository-location="${REMOTE_HOST}:${REMOTE_BASE_DIR}/${params.CHANNEL}" \