Sébastien Blin authored
Change-Id: I32bfdd2a618aa7ac6181da2697e241667b010aab
Sébastien Blin authoredChange-Id: I32bfdd2a618aa7ac6181da2697e241667b010aab
Code owners
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To find the state of this project's repository at the time of any of these versions, check out the tags.
- 2020-03-16
- Bug Fixes
- New Features
- 2019-12-13
- Bug Fixes
- New Features
- 2019-11-20
- Bug Fixes
- New Features
- 2019-11-19
- Bug Fixes
- 2019-11-15
- Notes
- Features
- Bugfixes
- Internal changes
- 2019-08-24
- Features
- Bugfixes
- Internal changes
- 2019-06-20
- Bugfixes
- Internal changes
- 2019-05-16
- Features
- Bugfixes
- Internal changes
- 2019-04-12
- Features
- Bugfixes
- Internal changes
changelog.md 5.98 KiB
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the bug that the system notification cannot be disabled
- Fixed video device enumeration for higher framerates
- More reliable high dpi adaption
- Prevent crash when video device events happen with no account
New Features
- Add type indicator
- Movable splitter in main view
- Connectivity improvement for calls and messages
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the bug that caused lag on call overlay
- Fixed a typo on about dialog
New Features
- Add various useful shortcuts
Bug Fixes
- Fixed bug that prevented pasting multiline text into chat
New Features
- Calls now automatically un-hold when the conversation is selected
- SIP dialpad now has A,B,C,D dtmf options
Bug Fixes
- Fixed notifications popping up for outgoing calls
- Removing conference participant selects a remaining participant conversation
Change version name to 'Free as in Freedom' Linux: ffmpeg now embedded in official package for auto bitrate + hardware acceleration
- callview: rework conference ui (#1052)
- JAMS: support login to an account manager
- wizard: re-work account creation
- chatview: add video recorder
- chatview: add audio recorder
- conversation: automatically accepts < 20Mb files
- video: auto adapt bitrate
- Beta version
- Change logs
- Save draft text messages
- Fix multiple crash with SIP accounts
- Fix DTMF for SIP
- chatview: show generated avatar into the chatview (#947)
- Fix account migration
- Fix alignment in settings view
- call: handle PEER_BUSY state
- lrc: fix clearAllHistory
- avmodel: sort framerates
- sip: fix temporary item removal
- avmodel: getCurrentRenderedDevice support conferences
- upnp: now async
- some deadlocks are fixed
- some segfault are fixed
- sip_transport: avoid PJ_ENOTSUITABLE when ipv4<->ipv6
- sipcall: fix rotation
- ffmpeg: handle ebusy when opening devices
- file transfer: fix cancel
- conference: fix color inversion during conferences
- lan: improve pjsip behavior in a LAN
- trustrequests: handle removed contacts
- dbus: only authorize one daemon per DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS
- Fixed crash when user has no account
- Fixed display name changes not saving
- Fixed not being able to change back to camera from screen share
- Fixed utf-8 handling on display names
Internal changes
- chatview code is now in LRC and shared with the desktop clients
- database: migrate to per account database
- avmodel: optionally switchInput using a callId
- video sender: send only 1 keyframe at start
- contrib: various bump (opendht, upnp, ffmpeg, etc)
- p2p: use one IceTransport by sub transfer
- decoder: set fpsprobesize, use default probesize
- ice: enable aggressive nomination to avoid latencies
- accel: remove libdrm code
- sipvoiplink: remove wait for completed transactions in dtor
- Remove some thread creations
- replace restbed by restinio
- namedirectory: don't create temporary items during lookup
- file transfer: use different ice for each transfer
- manager: allow switchInput on conference
- Erase data securely before removing account
- Negotiate calls in TCP and UDP and prefer TCP if necessary
- Improve negotiation for p2p file transfer
- Auto change the video quality
- Add hardware acceleration support for NVidia
- SIP fix SMS issues
- Improve connectivityChange detection and account switching.
- Translate strings from daemon.
- Sort resolutions by width
- Sort conversations when clearing history
- Fix subscriptions for new contacts
- Hangup if contact is deleted
- Various deadlocks
Internal changes
- LRC remove unused code
- Change from enableAccount() to setAccountEnabled()
- Update msgpack, gnutls, opendht
- Rewrite code for UPnP support
- Improve name registration errors detection
- Improve SIP text/plain detection
- Fix temporary item when copy/paste a full ring id
- SIP: Fix online status
- Fix audio recorder
- Fix some deadlocks
- Fix calls via TURN
- Fix multi devices support for calls
Internal changes
- Cleanup daemon side
- Update restbed
- Update opendht to 1.9.5
- Improve UPnP implementation
- Increase default video bitrate
- Add peer to peer file transfer support
- Advanced settings: add DHT peer discovery support
- Media Settings: add hardware acceleration support
- UPnP add TCP mapping support
- Name registration: better handling for wrong archive password
- tls_session: close transport after cleanup
- sip: check message utf8 validity before emitting signal
Internal changes
- Bump OpenDHT to 1.9.4
- Bump GNUTls to 3.6.7
- Bump Pjsip to (6b9212dcb4b3f781c1e922ae544b063880bc46ac + patches)
- Internal renaming from Ring to Jami
- Use new methods from LRC
- Fix some data races
- dring/dbus: unregister signals on exit
- (Not linked to the UI for now) Hardware encoding support
- Sets up video streams upon receiving the first video frame.
- Pulseaudio: start streams when ready
Internal changes
- Continue name migration, change data locations, binary names and methods names.
- Nettle 3.4.1 is now required
- Support video rotation when recording
- Some code clean