Show participants without video or not (should be saved as a preferences of the app)
I would like to ask the the following question:
Regarding conference / moderators: jami-project#1349 (moved)
Don't allow other participants to enable their video or audio, but for example allow a few others real-time conversation via text-chat - this would be great for presentations
Will it become possible that moderators disable / turn off/on the camera of individual participants?
Or allow just screenshare?
Allow "user1" to share his screen but not a "real" camera
Fadi Shehadehmarked the checklist item Move fullscreen in this menu as incomplete
marked the checklist item Move fullscreen in this menu as incomplete
@agsantos One question regarding the callview (and video split?): Can you also please allow to maximize your own video feed so you will be able for example to just view your webcam input and/or your shared screen in full screen (without the second participant)? jami-project#1355 (moved)
For 1:1 video calls I was never able to resize my own video input?
In the call view if you double click it will be in full screen
In video-conferences, you can just set your video in maximized and it will do what you describe
1:1 video calls-> again, all calls will be conferences in the future, so we just not care about this
Thanks for your answer. May I ask the following questions.
At the moment it is possible to make a video call (Non-Swarm contact <-> Swarm-contact; however it's not possible to send text messages (jami-project#1389 (closed))
So calls were actually not dependend on Swarm: Is true?
But in future all calls will be conferences AND Swarm (Is:true) - Once will be merged?
But it's still not possible to resize 1:1 calls?
And you are able to resize your own video(s) of your webcam, your shared screen (Multi-Stream) AND the other participants if you are in a conference?
non swarm contacts should not exists anymore anyway or have to be replaced.
calls and messages are two separate concepts. The only difference is that actually a video-conference is a dirty mixing of 1:1 calls, without any common history, in the future you will have a common history during the call
There is no layout in a 1:1 call, only preview + remote view
you can choose between 3 layout, grid - one stream active and other in small - one stream in big
Aline Gondim Santosmarked the checklist item Move the small pictures when somebody is on stage on one side (should be saved as a preferences of the app) as completed
marked the checklist item Move the small pictures when somebody is on stage on one side (should be saved as a preferences of the app) as completed
Aline Gondim Santosmarked the checklist item Ability to hide self (should be saved as a preferences of the app) as completed
marked the checklist item Ability to hide self (should be saved as a preferences of the app) as completed
Aline Gondim Santosmarked the checklist item Show participants without video or not (should be saved as a preferences of the app) as completed
marked the checklist item Show participants without video or not (should be saved as a preferences of the app) as completed